7 research outputs found

    Social learning strategies modify the effect of network structure on group performance

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    The structure of communication networks is an important determinant of the capacity of teams, organizations and societies to solve policy, business and science problems. Yet, previous studies reached contradictory results about the relationship between network structure and performance, finding support for the superiority of both well-connected efficient and poorly connected inefficient network structures. Here we argue that understanding how communication networks affect group performance requires taking into consideration the social learning strategies of individual team members. We show that efficient networks outperform inefficient networks when individuals rely on conformity by copying the most frequent solution among their contacts. However, inefficient networks are superior when individuals follow the best member by copying the group member with the highest payoff. In addition, groups relying on conformity based on a small sample of others excel at complex tasks, while groups following the best member achieve greatest performance for simple tasks. Our findings reconcile contradictory results in the literature and have broad implications for the study of social learning across disciplines

    Enhancing Human Security by Transforming Education Through Science, Technology, and Innovations

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    In this paper, we provide in-depth critical analysis and reflections on how technology, innovation and digital literacy can help to bring awareness on the need for a new dimension and approach to foster a transformational attitude towards education. Learning drives change, and if we aim to make an impact, there is a need to enable collaboration between different disciplines so that new transformative educational models can emerge. At the centre of our analysis, we identify the role of pedagogy and how it can contribute to put forward humans as central and critical actors in using science, technology, and innovations (STIs) to foster human security. We explore the critical role of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and their engagement with science, technology, and innovation in the search for educational transformation that supports multicultural, diverse and inclusive learning environments within the tenets of social engagement and cohesion that guide us towards the principles of human security

    Ecological rationality of social learning

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    Wie Menschen von anderen lernen und wann es adaptiv-rational ist sich auf soziales Lernen zu verlassen sind wichtige Fragen in vielen Disziplinen einschließlich der Psychologie, der Biologie, der Anthropologie und den Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Trotz der geteilten Interessen dieser Disziplinen sind viele der vorhandenen Resultate voneinander isoliert und oft nicht vergleichbar, teilweise weil es der Forschung zum sozialen Lernen immer noch eines theoretischen Rahmens fehlt, welcher die gewonnen Erkenntnisse vergleichbar machen würde sowie erklären würde warum unterschiedliche Strategien in Abhängigkeit vom sozialen Kontext erfolgreich sind oder nicht. In meiner Arbeit schlage ich einen solchen theoretischen Rahmen vor, welcher sich auf der Forschung zur ökologischen Rationalität gründet. Ich benutze den theoretischen Rahmen der ökologischen Rationalität sozialen Lernens, um drei Fragen zu beantworten: i) Wie können soziale Lernstrategien als kognitiv plausible Strategien modelliert werden, die auf drei einfachen Building Blocks beruhen (Such-, Stopp- und Entscheidungsregeln), ii) was sind die wichtigsten Faktoren von sozialen Umwelten und Problemumwelten, in denen soziales Lernen stattfindet und iii) wie interagieren soziale Lernstrategien, die auf unterschiedlichen Building Blocks beruhen, mit der Struktur von Umwelten, um unterschiedliche Erfolgsniveaus zu erreichen. Indem ich diese drei Fragen adressiere, erarbeite ich die Bedingungen unter denen unterschiedlichen Strategien adaptiv-rational sind und erkläre wie unterschiedlichen Strategien in bestimmten Umwelten erfolgreich sind. Jedes der Kapitel behandelt eine wichtige alltägliche soziale Lernsituation, identifiziert die Schlüsselcharakteristiken der Situation und demonstriert wie die Building Blocks des sozialen Lernens mit diesen Umweltstrukturen interagieren, um unterschiedliche Erfolgsniveaus zu erreichen.How people learn from others and when it is adaptive to rely on social learning have been major questions in several disciplines including psychology, biology, anthropology and economics. Despite the shared interest of these diverse fields, many of the results remain isolated and are often incomparable, in part because the study of social learning still lacks a general theoretical framework that would make results comparable or explain why different strategies perform well in different contexts. In this thesis I propose such a framework that is grounded in the study of ecological rationality. I use this frame- work to explore three primary questions: i) how can social learning strategies be modeled as cognitively plausible strategies composed of simple building blocks (search, stopping and decision rules), ii) what are key characteristics of social and task environments in which social learning takes place, and iii) how do social learning strategies composed of different building blocks interact with the structure of the environment to produce different levels of success. Through addressing these three questions I map out the conditions under which different strategies are adaptive and explain how the building blocks of different strategies contribute to their performance in certain environments. The thesis focuses on three representative classes of social learning strategies, namely, frequency-dependent, payoff-biased, and unbiased copying. Different chapters focus on important everyday social learning settings, identify key environmental characteristics defining the setting and demonstrate how the building blocks of social learning strategies interact with these environmental structures to produce different outcomes

    Beyond collective intelligence: Collective adaptation

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    We develop a conceptual framework for studying collective adaptation in complex socio-cognitive systems, driven by dynamic interactions of social integration strategies, social environments and problem structures. Going beyond searching for ‘intelligent’ collectives, we integrate research from different disciplines and outline modelling approaches that can be used to begin answering questions such as why collectives sometimes fail to reach seemingly obvious solutions, how they change their strategies and network structures in response to different problems and how we can anticipate and perhaps change future harmful societal trajectories. We discuss the importance of considering path dependence, lack of optimization and collective myopia to understand the sometimes counterintuitive outcomes of collective adaptation. We call for a transdisciplinary, quantitative and societally useful social science that can help us to understand our rapidly changing and ever more complex societies, avoid collective disasters and reach the full potential of our ability to organize in adaptive collectives